Beyond Debt Blog

10 Tips for Saving this Christmas

Written by Kristin Perissinotto | 20/11/18 7:29 AM

Christmas is nearly here, and that means expensive mark ups, inescapable advertising, and premium food prices. But you don't have to spend a fortune to have a jolly holiday season - here are out best 10 tips for saving this Christmas.

1. DIY. Making your own wrapping paper and cards for loved ones can add a personal touch, and save some coin. You can also DIY gifts to save even more cash!

2. Buy online. Buying gifts and decorations online is almost always cheaper. Do some research and compare prices before heading to the checkout to ensure the best deals. And be sure to surf the web for a discount coupon before you pay!

3. Watch out for deals. Often, retailers will post about exclusive deals on their website or social media channels, so keep a look out during the Christmas season to save some dollars.

4. Get organised. It may sound unrelated, but being organised can save you a lot of cash at Christmas time. Knowing exactly what you need ahead of time can prevent you from overbuying, or from having to dash out to the expensive corner store for last minute essentials.

5. Be choosy about parties. You don't have to RSVP 'yes' to every Christmas party. Be selective when accepting invites, because they can add up quickly, and when you take into account a gift, buying dinner or drinks, and potentially a new outfit, things can get expensive.

6. Agree on a spend limit. Have your friends and family agree on a spend limit for gifts wherever it's appropriate.

7. Agree on no gifts. You could take it further and agree to no gifts with a few friends or family members. Instead of buying gifts, you could agree to spend a day together, or go out for a meal. Quality time is a gift in itself!

8. Budget. Make a Christmas budget and stick to it! Tracking your spending and setting a limit for yourself during the holiday season can be an excellent way to avoid overspending.

9. Buy secondhand. You can often find lots of weird and wonderful things online that have the price of a pre-loved item. For interesting trinkets and cool memorabilia, check out your local second-hand shop or look online.

10. Plan for next Christmas. It's never to early to start financially planning for the holiday season. If you've noticed you have struggled with making a budget or sticking to it this season, make things easier for yourself next year by beginning early.