Beyond Debt Blog

18 ways to reduce food waste and save money

Written by Ben Paris | 23/07/18 6:56 AM

The average Australian throws out about $1,000 worth of food a year. That’s a lot of money that would be better of in your back pocket. Here are some great and easy ways to reduce your food waste to zero.

  1. Shop smarter. Don’t buy large portions just to save money if you won’t eat them
  2. Keep your fridge clean so you can see what’s inside it, and avoid buying doubles
  3. Use an ethylene absorber in your fruit and vegetable draw. Ethylene is released by fruit and vegetables and accelerates ripening
  4. Save meat scraps, put them in the freezer, and use them to make stock
  5. Vegetable scraps (stalks and tops) can be saved and used to make vegetable stock
  6. Citrus peel and apple cores can be thrown in some water for a delicious, refreshing beverage
  7. A juicer is a great way to use up fruit and vegetables that are close to their used-by date
  8. French toast is a great way to get rid of old bread
  9. Use overripe bananas to make pancakes or muffins
  10. Roast pumpkin seeds for a delicious and easy snack
  11. Cut broccoli stalks into strips and cook them
  12. Store leftovers properly, in airtight containers or Ziplock bags
  13. Have a dedicated leftover night to eat leftovers from the week
  14. Use leftover pasta to make frittatas
  15. Use leftover rice to make fried rice or biryani
  16. Have a McGuiver night, where you challenge yourself to cook using only things in your pantry and fridge
  17. Use leftover vegetables to make soup
  18. Feed leftover food to your dog instead of dog food