Beyond Debt Blog

ABA Lessening the Debt of Australians

Written by Kristin Perissinotto | 6/02/18 11:52 PM

In Australia, our household debt is among the highest globally, with our credit card bills adding up to a hefty $30 billion as a nation. In December, the Australian Bankers Association proposed a change to their code of conduct which they say will lessen the debt of Australians. The proposed changes are primarily focussed on credit cards.

What are the proposed changes?

ABA chief executive Anna Bligh says the new code, "will go a long way in addressing the expectations that Australians have of their banks".

The changes include:

  • Banning unsolicited credit card increases
  • Notifying credit card holders before their introductory interest-free period expires
  • Making it easier to cancel credit cards
  • Only charging customers interest on what remains on a credit card, instead of the full amount of purchase (providing a loan is being paid down)
  • Informing customers when a bank reports a payment default on their loan
  • Providing customers with a list of direct debits that will come off their cards
  • Waiving or refunding statement fees for customers who use electronic statements

Will the new changes impact us?

Banks are notorious for holding their own interests in higher regard than their customers, so at this stage it is hard to tell what kind of impact these changes will make.

"From the media reports, it looks like there are steps forward, particularly on concerns about the way the banks support those experiencing vulnerability, the provision of things like guarantees and those who are in financial difficulty," CEO of the Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC) Gerard Brody told ABC News.

It is highly likely, however, that the changes will help customers make better informed decisions before signing up for a credit card in the first place. The new code of conduct ensures more transparency and provides more easily accessible information to the consumer.

The changes are yet to be set in stone, as the ABA are likely waiting for the code to be approved by a corporate regulator. Significant changes such as this code can take months or years to become approved.

It’s not just the credit cards

While credit card debt does account for a significant portion of the nation’s household owings, there are many other aspects to consider. Among these are mortgages, students loans, and personal loans. While the changes made by the ABA could make some difference to the nation’s growing debt problem, there are many other aspects to consider.

If you are struggling with debt, contact one of our professionals today for a free initial consultation.