Beyond Debt Blog

Do this to save the planet (and your wallet)

Written by Kristin Perissinotto | 14/08/18 7:38 AM

This month is all about sustainability and frugality, and we've covered lots of products you can purchase in place of disposable goods. But the best thing you can do to save money and limit your carbon footprint is to restrict purchases where you can. We have listed a few changes you can make to save the planet and your cash.

Shower Mindfully

The best and easiest way to cut down on utility bills is to use less water! Keep your showers to five minutes and under to cut down your bill.

Drive Less

Driving is both expensive and a contributor to pollution - if you are able to, consider using alternative forms of transport. A few options you could consider are walking, riding a bike, carpooling, and public transport. Even taking the bus a few times a week could save you money on fuel, depreciation expenses, and parking.


Composting is an easy way to get rid of food scraps (and the occasional piece of paper), and you put it straight on to your garden instead of spending money on expensive top soil.

Wash Less

Running your washing machine and dishwasher less is an easy way to cut down on water usage. Make sure you have a full load of washing or dishes before turning it on. This will save you money on your water bill, and subsequently cuts down on water wastage.

Make your own Cleaning Products

Making your own cleaning products is easier than you might think. With just a few household items, you can make a multi-purpose cleaner that you can use on most surfaces. This will save you money on buying multiple cleaning products (which are often unnecessary) and reduce your plastic waste!

Collect Rain Water

Place a bucket under your roof gutters to collect rainwater that flows out. This water can be used to water your garden instead of using your hose. This way you'll be making use of what would be wasted water, and not adding to your water bill.

Look After your Tires

Keeping your tires pumped and in good condition improve your fuel economy, saving you money and limiting the pollution your car produces.