Beyond Debt Blog

Growing Your Own Food

Written by Kristin Perissinotto | 28/08/18 7:37 AM

This month has been all about sustainability and how being more environmentally friendly can save you money. There are many simple ways you do this, like reusing and shopping smarter, but if you're ready to kick it up a notch, how about growing your own food!

If you're new to the gardening scene, check out these few tips to get you started...

1. Start with easy-to-grow plants

Herbs are the easiest plants to grow, as they can live in many different conditions. Start off by planting some basil, parsley, or chives! These herbs will grow almost anywhere and don't need to be watered every day. You can plant them in the garden outside, or pop them in some small pots right in your kitchen. Just make sure the pots have good drainage to prevent their roots from rotting. When you've got the herbs down pat, try planting a few varieties of lettuce, tomatoes, and snow peas. These vegetables are fairly hardy and don't need a great deal of attention.

2. Buy the seedlings!

It's a lot easier to keep plants alive when you plant them from seedlings instead of seeds. You can buy seedlings at your local gardening or hardware store, and sometimes you'll even find them in the supermarket.

3. Use compost

Gardening can get expensive when you start to look at all the special fertilisers and soils, so why not create your own!? Use your food scraps to start up a compost bin or heap. It doesn't take long for food scraps to begin breaking down, so you will have home-grown soil in no time! Coffee grinds are great for holding moisture, so if you drink a lot of coffee, don't forget to add it to the compost!

4. Do your research!

No every plant will thrive in every environment - make sure you do your research before heading out to purchase your seedlings, or check the tags before you buy! Some plants with thrive indoors, and some will crave full sunlight every day.