Beyond Debt Blog

Home Swaps for Sustainability

Written by Kristin Perissinotto | 12/08/18 1:22 AM

Living sustainably can save you money! This month we have covered a list of products you can buy to save money and the environment, and ways to reuse and upcycle what you have before purchasing new items. Today we have compiled a list of easy swaps you can make in your home to look after the planet and your bank balance!

Multipurpose Cleaner

Cleaning product manufacturers will lead you to believe you need a different product to clean every surface of your home - from stovetop, to bathroom floor, to balcony. Often, this is not the case! For most surfaces, a multi-purpose cleaner like castile soap will be perfectly safe and leave you with sparkling surfaces.

Beeswax Wraps

Instead of using plastic wrap to carry sandwiches or cover leftovers, why not give beeswax wraps a try? They're reusable, so you won't have to repurchase glad wrap or zip lock bags over and over again! You can also make beeswax wraps at home, if you're looking for a fun DIY project on the weekend.


For a bigger home project, consider insulating your house! This will save you money on heating and cooling, as your home will stay at a more comfortable temperature all year around.

Switch your Electronics

Conduct an audit of your electrical goods and research their energy efficiency. You might find that you will save money by purchasing different brands and products that use less electricity, which will mean a cheaper bill each quarter. Before you head off to the shops, look on Gumtree for pre-loved electrical goods to save even more cash. You could sell your old items on there as well!

Open your Door and Windows

In the Australian summer, it's often common practice to leave the air conditioning on all hours of the day and night, but this will end up costing you when your electrical bill comes in the mail. Before switching on the A/C, open up your windows and doors to let some fresh breeze in. This could save you a few hours of air conditioning in the morning and evening. Or, in winter, you could find that letting the sun in of a morning warms the house enough so that you don't need to reach for the space heaters.