Beyond Debt Blog

Interview with D from WA on Becoming Debt Free

Written by Ben Paris | 2/09/21 12:58 AM

Can you tell me a bit about your background? Can you talk about getting the debt?

When I applied for the debt agreement, I was living pay to pay in a job that wasn't paying the bills. I decided I wanted to move to Perth and complete a Nursing and Midwifery Degree. A Debt Agreement was the only way I could get my debt to affordable monthly repayment. Beyond Debt made is simple, and they were always there to support me. I moved to Perth a month later and started paying my debt agreement off. Fast forward five years, I am now a qualified Registered Nurse and have paid my Debt agreement off early and in full.

Did you try anything else to get Debt-Free before working with us?

I tried many things to get a hold of my debt, but being so young, I couldn't manage my budget very well. Combining all my debts and having only one repayment a month made it much easier! 

Was there a "light bulb" moment? What made you decided to become debt free? 

I heard the advert on the radio and knew I just needed to do this now to get ahead in the future. I was RIGHT!

How did you stay motivated while you were getting debt free?

It was hard to stay motivated, but every six months or so, I would look at my statement and see it coming down fast the great customer service always helped, I knew they were always there to help me with any issue.

What advice would you give to people with debt who don't see a way of getting debt free?

Do a Debt Agreement! Do it! And do it now!! 

What was the most important thing you've learned along the way?

I learned to budget, save my money and that there is always light at the end of the tunnel! Being debt free feels fantastic! And I can now move on to bigger and better things! 

Is there anything you're going to now your debt-free?

Start saving for a home loan (and get an even bigger, but totally worth it debt) 

Do you have any final words of wisdom for the readers?

I am so glad I did this. I would still be in the same position if I hadn't done something to change it. The debt agreement makes it almost impossible to get other loans and credit cards, and it teaches you that you need to earn and save the money for the things you want, not just to get a loan and do it when you want. It has helped me grow into the person I am today. 

Thank you, Beyond Debt. I'll always be grateful.