Beyond Debt Blog

Purchasing with Intention

Written by Kristin Perissinotto | 7/04/18 12:15 AM

We live in a fast moving world. Everything and everyone around us are always moving at full speed. We are constantly bombarded with new technology that we are told we must have, and fast fashion that we need to wear. With online shopping becoming more affordable, we are truly living in a disposable culture. This is doing damage to both the environment and our bank accounts.

On average, Australians buy 27 kilograms of new clothing and textiles each year, and about 25 of those kilograms will end up in landfill within 12 months of purchase. Buying from fast fashion chains and outlets will mean you are filling your wardrobe with low quality items that are likely to date very quickly. Buying clothing that is in fashion contributes directly to the 25 kilograms of clothing landfill we produce. This also means we are throwing away money. When clothes are cheap, we buy more than we need, and ultimately are spending exorbitant amounts on pieces we wear for a few weeks of months before they are discarded.

Focussing on quality, versatility, and usefulness, when making purchases will mean you are throwing less items away, which in turn means you are spending less money on essentially disposable items. This might mean you are spending more per item, but they will last you longer. Purchasing high quality, and timeless items when shopping for pieces such as boots, bags, and jeans will save you money in the long run.

This logic does not only apply to clothing, but to all purchased items. Investing in a good quality pans and knives will mean they will last you a long time. Buying a $5 frypan may seem like a good idea, but it will begin to lose its coating in just a few months, and you will soon find yourself buying a replacement.

Versatility is also important when making purchases for your home. Look for a multipurpose cleaning spray, instead of buying multiple different products. You will find that, a lot of the time, the ingredients don't differ between the 'kitchen' and 'bathroom' specific cleaning products. Consider buying shoes that you can wear both to work and on the weekend.

Perhaps most importantly, don't buy anything you don't need or won't use. Advertisers are experts at selling us things we don't really need or want. It is most often not necessary that you buy the very newest phone, television, or computer to replace your 6 month old one. You could find it helpful to spend some time considering before making a large purchase. Try to avoid situations where you might impulse buy. If you know you need a new couch, for example, take some time to look for one second hand. If you can't find what you're looking for there, begin researching what exactly you want. From there, compare prices between retailers. Check if it will be cheaper online. Often a rushed purchase is not the best purchase.

By implementing some of these tips, you will find that your items are lasting longer, and you're using them more. You will also notice you are throwing less away, and saving more money. Win-win!