Beyond Debt Blog

Recovering Christmas funds

Written by Kristin Perissinotto | 29/12/18 7:19 AM

Christmas may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it is also the most expensive. You might be feeling a little flat in the days after Christmas, and you aren't alone! Many, many Australians will go over budget in the holiday season. We have a few ideas to help you get your budget back on track.

Sell unwanted gifts

It might sound a little harsh, but the best thing to do with unwanted gifts is to pass them on to someone who really wants them. You may have received doubles (or triples) of some items, or maybe one or two of your presents just don't fit well with your life. Sell them online or on Gumtree for some extra cash. It will be our little secret.

Eat all your leftovers

Christmas always comes with leftovers - sometimes enough to last you into the New Year. Be sure to use your Christmas lunch leftovers before they go bad to save some cash on grocery shopping. To ensure you can eat everything before it goes bad, eat anything that spoils quickly first, or pop it in the freezer to save it for another day. Get creative with your leftovers by making anything from sandwiches to omelettes.

Start a side hustle in the New Year

In today's gig economy, an increasing number of people are making money on the side of their regular jobs. If you think creatively enough, you can make money doing any number of things. Take stock of your skills and hobbies and determine what you could charge for. Can you sell handmade goods at the local market or online? Can you begin a handyman business? The possibilities are endless!

Start your budget for next Christmas

Next Christmas might seem like a lifetime away, but it is never too soon to start planning when it comes to budget. What could you have done better this year? Should you have begun present shopping earlier? Should you have forgone some indulgences during the year to put away more cash for Christmas? Make a plan for the year ahead that will help you avoid blowing out your Christmas budget next year.

Commit to No-Spend January

More people each year will commit to not making any frivolous purchases in the month of January. This can be an excellent way to recoup your losses from the Christmas season.

Check back next week for more blogs on no-spend January!