There are many degrees that are just not worth the investment. The following are the worst according to McCrindle Researchers study of graduate Earnings
Psychology – The 6th most popular degree in the world has only 63% of its graduates working in the field of Psychology. The starting salary is only $47,500 well down on the average starting salary of $50,000
Architecture- While you may dream of building high rise buildings or housing for the poor. In reality you might need to design your own poor house. Your starting salary will only be $32,500, less than a waiter earns.
Visual and Performing Arts – Less than half of graduates will get a job, making it the worst degree for finding work. Even if you find one you’re only going to earn $38,000. Maybe it’s not worth the $15,000 in debt. Don’t worry you’ll never earn enough to pay it back
Social Science – Anthropology, Archaeology sound really sexy but the reality is… there is not a lot of demand for them. You’d be better off financially flipping burgers and looking for fossils on the weekend. Average graduate wage is $45,000
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