• Eliminate Debt

Paying off debt is mainly psychological.   A Debt Bingo Card is a fun way to smash your debt. Choose a box every week and pay it off your debt. If things are tight that week, you can pick a lower value and if it's a good week, choose one of the bigger ones. Throw this card in your purse or wallet and cross it off. After 12 months, you'll have paid $10,000 off your debt.






















































= $10,000


$27.40 a Day

$10,000 is only $27.40 every day. Most people can find $27.40 for coffee and takeaway. It's only two coffees, and a burger from Grill'd.   Skip the takeaway and pay $27.40 off your debts every day after a year you'll have paid $10,000 off your debt.

If $27.20 or $ the figures on the bingo card are too high, just halve them and after 12 months you will have cleared 5k in debt.


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